The most common question I get asked when people realise I’m a writer is ‘Where do you get your inspiration from?’

I can not speak for other writers, but for me, this is the most complicated question to answer. You see, my brain does not stop. Ideas come from everywhere.

Quick example-  I was reading this morning,a graphic novel called Daytripper. It is actually really good. It tells the story of one day in a man’s life at different ages. There are lots of short stories, each an important stage of his life, and although he dies at the end of each chapter, you learn more about him as a person and who he is.

So, reading is escapism, right? Every chapter, I have had ideas. My idea that came to me today was of a couple who, in each book chapter, are entwined within a key moment of history. They are together, but one dies at the end of each chapter. Their relationship grows as the book goes on, and we just continue as if the death never happened – multiple realities. This literally took about 10 minutes after beginning to read!

Truth, it happens everywhere, in virtually everything I do. I hear a song I imagine who it was written for, I concentrate on lyrics, and a story pops into my head. Usually about love and lust, or betrayal.

Walking through town, I see different people’s imaginary backstories, much like the peoplewatching you did on benches with your friends as a kid. The inspiration from television shows are mostly secondary characters or based on the theme of a show. Factual programmes are the worst, such as Who Do You Think You Are give multiple book and story ideas. They tell stories within stories, and I have to resist letting my mind wander into a neverending spiral. You could say well, just write it!

But setting a book at a specific moment in time is a massive amount of extra work. You have to know everything about that time period and way of life – fashion, diet, events, language, geography, money, what had been invented, past times, and you have to double-check you got it right. One reader who knows their stuff could throw your credibility right out the window if you get caught out!

Graveyards and churches are, for me, the easiest place to go if I need character names or I have writers block. Both are a wealth of information about past lives and families. All I have to do is wander around, and my mind is so busy I can’t take notes fast enough.

Even when people are speaking to you, inspiration can strike. And if the idea is good, you become the rudest person on the planet until you can write it down. Many a time, I have had to say to my fellow villagers, ‘can’t stop! Thinking!’ Leaving them open-mouthed standing bemused on the footpath as I powerwalk up the road!

The best thing about my phone is the Notes app. It is the main part I use, sometimes just a word or brief description, sometimes paragraphs. It is a treasure trove of ideas I keep with me. You see, you have to keep track of each idea as you never know when you might use it or at least a version of it.

When I changed my mobile phone over, the sales guy asked me what I wanted. I told him a camera (but not too complicated as I am bad with tech) and Notes. He informed me Notes came with every phone, and I was the first customer to say it was vital! He was amazed at how little data I use. That’s the good thing with Notes, you don’t need WiFi to use it! 😊

So if you know a writer or meet one, wait a moment before you ask them that question about our inspiration. Remember, our minds are busy – we may be basing a character on your appearance or personality trait without you realising. We might even be repeating your name in our head until we can break away and open our Notes app. Inspiration never stops. Ideas keep coming from unlikely places. Instead of asking the question, give us coffee. We’re always exhausted trying to keep up. We always need coffee. 😂

Published by geekgirleatscake

I am a Cornish author and nerd who is obsessed with food and the written word in all its glorious forms.

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