ONE SHOT FICTION: Binds of immured love

She knew he wasn’t perfect, but he had chosen her. She was lonely and awkward, but he saw something within her. Something still unspoken but real. He was strong, kind in his own way, and a proud man. There were untold truths hidden in the consciousness of her mind that tried breaking through. Every now and again, they would succeed. And just for a moment, for a split second, she …

The Definition of Man

I am a feminist. Thankfully, our understanding of what this means no longer immediately draws images of burning bras but equal rights for women. But there is another term where the meaning has moved on a lot less. Dangerously so, in fact. Masculinity. As women, we get leered at, but if we are truthful, so …

Edit. Edit. Repeat.

So, you’ve finally done it, the moment of a hundred daydreams since you started. You finally finished that first draft of your novel. Congratulations! This is a big achievement. Most don’t get this far, losing interest part way through. You kept going and reached that finish line after months (sometimes years) of work. But now …

Ideas Overload

The most common question I get asked when people realise I’m a writer is ‘Where do you get your inspiration from?’ I can not speak for other writers, but for me, this is the most complicated question to answer. You see, my brain does not stop. Ideas come from everywhere. Quick example-  I was reading …

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